My name is Dianne, and I am a very grateful recovering alcoholic.
I say that I'm an alcoholic, because alcohol had become my
"drug of choice". Actually though, I can become
addicted to anything that makes me feel good from
the "outside in" instead of the "inside out".
My last drink (I hope) was on October 14th, 1988.
Recovery has been a long and rocky road.
But it has been a journey of self-discovery
that I would not trade for anything in the world.
I believe that if I hadn't gotten down to the feelings
that I'd covered up with drugs and alcohol,
I would not still be sober today.
It took me quite a few years to finally get here,
but today I can honestly say that for the first time in my life,
I really like the person that I've become.
In the end, I believe that's all that really matters.
The most important thing that I have learned in recovery
is "To Thine Own Self Be True".
Below you will find some things that I've collected in my
search that I'd like to share with you. Just click on any title
and it will take you there.