Joyous Wishes

From Flowerchild

These Are The Gifts I Wish For You...
In This Special Season and All The Year Through

Happiness . . . Deep down inside

Serenity . . . With every sunrise

Success . . . In each facet of your life

Friends . . . Always beside you

Love . . . That never ends

Health . . . Within you

Special Memories . . . Of all the yesterdays

A Bright Today . . . With much to be thankful for

A Path . . . That leads to beautiful tomorrows

Dreams . . . That do their best to come true

Appreciation . . . Of all the wonderful things about you

Acceptance . . . Of every event and happening in your life
as part of the divine plan for you

May your life be filled

with peace, joy and love

"Every time a hand reaches out to help another
. . . that is Christmas.
Every time someone puts anger aside and strives for understanding
. . . that is Christmas.
Every time people forget their differences and realize their love for
each other . . . that is Christmas."

May this Christmas bring us closer to the spirit of understanding.

The joys of Christmas need only be shared
and the miracle will live once again.




Give us the kindness to hear with compassion, to offer support,
loving comfort, and care.
Give us the courage to do what is needed, the wisdom to choose
what is right and most fair.

Give us the vision to see what is possible.
Give us the faith that will help pave the way
for a present that's hopeful, a future that's peaceful. . .
Give us the heart to bring joy to each day.