That Dreaded Sea of Hepatitis

Peaceful, carefree, young and innocent. We rushed to the waters, curious.
Kind, beautiful, handsome and eager. No burdens.

Aliens? Mystery? Fate? No matter! We surf on through this Hep Sea, fearful.
Pounding waves crash. Monster wave coming. Nowhere to hide.

Friend in torment, struggling bravely. Grabbed by the undertow.... stolen!
Anguished heart crying, we drift alone. Arms empty.

Gathering to us, friends and loved ones. Good food, hugs, and memories sharing.
Talking, comforting, hot tears stinging. Hearts can mend.

Away this ebbless Sea waits a garden. Trilling songbirds, and flowers wondrous.
Smiling friends with open arms, welcoming. Peaceful rest.

                           . . . Audrey R. Knight